黃忠發 特聘教授兼工學院院長
現任職務 |
‧國立高雄科技大學工學院 院長 |
‧國立高雄科技大學 土木工程系 特聘教授 |
學歷 |
‧國立中央大學 土木工程研究所(營建管理) 博士 |
‧國立高雄大學 法律研究所 碩士 |
經歷與專業活動 |
‧國立高雄科技大學工學院 院長 2023.02迄今 |
‧國立高雄科技大學工學院 副院長 2022.08 ~ 2023.01 |
‧中國土木水利學會 南部分會主任委員 2024.02迄今 |
‧國立高雄科技大學 土木工程系 教授兼系主任 2017.08 ~ 2021.07 |
‧中華民國工程法學會 理事長 2016.02 ~ 2021.02 |
‧國立高雄應用科技大學 學生事務處 教授兼學務長 2016.08 ~ 2017.07 |
‧中華民國營建管理協會 南部分會會長 2009.10 ~ 2017.10 |
‧中華民國 仲裁人 2009.08迄今 |
‧國立高雄應用科技大學 學生事務處 副教授兼課外活動組長 2008.08 ~ 2011.07 |
研究領域 |
‧工程法律與爭議處理 |
‧營建產業缺工相關調查與研究 |
‧營建業人力資源管理 |
‧營建業企業社會責任 |
‧工程倫理 |
‧防災體系與管理 |
獲獎事蹟 |
‧110學年度國立高雄科技大學學術類特殊優秀研究人才彈性薪資-傑出研究獎 |
‧110學年度國立高雄科技大學學術類特殊優秀研究人才彈性薪資-優秀產學獎 |
‧109學年度國立高雄科技大學學術類特殊優秀研究人才彈性薪資-傑出研究獎 |
‧108學年度國立高雄科技大學學術類特殊優秀研究人才彈性薪資-優秀研究獎 |
‧107學年度國立高雄科技大學學術類特殊優秀研究人才彈性薪資-優秀研究獎 |
‧106學年度國立高雄科技大學學術類特殊優秀研究人才彈性薪資-優秀研究獎 |
‧104學年度國立高雄科技大學學術類特殊優秀研究人才彈性薪資-優秀研究獎 |
‧國立中央大學104年度傑出土木系友(2015.06) |
‧國立高雄應用科技大學101學年度優良導師(2013.09) |
‧國立高雄應用科技大學優良教師(2011.06) |
研究成果 |
1. Chung-Fah Huang, Yu-Long Tsai and Wen-Hua Lu (2021), “Relationships among Perceived Control, Safety Attitude, and Safety Performance: A Case Study on Wastewater Treatment Plant Workers”, Sustainability, 13(22), 12573; https://doi.org/10.3390/su132212573. (SCI/SSCI, IF=3.251) |
2. Marco Lee, Yu-Ren Wang and Chung-Fah Huang (2019), "Design and Development of a Friendly User Interface for Building Construction Traceability System", Microsystem Technologies (2019) doi:10.1007/s00542-019-04547-4. (SCI, IF=1.513) |
3. Long-Sheng Huang and Chung-Fah Huang* (2017), “A Study of Using Technology Acceptance Model and Its Effect on Improving Road Pavement Smoothness in Taiwan”, EURASIA Journal of Mathematics Science and Technology Education, 13(6):2181-2195. (SSCI, IF=0.903) Corresponding Author. |
4. Huang, Chung-Fah, Lien, Ho-Chi and Lee, C.H.(2017), “Relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility and Employees Unethical Business Behaviour in Construction Industry”, Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, 18(3), pp1027-1037. (SCI, IF=0.259) |
5. Huang, Chung-Fah, Lu, W. H., Lin, T. T. and Wu, E. J.(2016), “The Current Conditions of CSR Implementation in Construction Industry: A Lesson from Taiwan”, Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 15(2), pp67-80. (SCI, IF=0.29) |
6. 黃忠發、王裕仁、陳奕熏、田景榮(2017),高雄市政府建築物生產履歷之建置,物業管理學報,第八卷,第一期,頁45~53。 |
7. Chung-Fah Huang and Jung-Lu Chen (2015), “The Promotion Strategy of Green Construction Materials: A Path Analysis Approach”, Materials, 8(10), 6999-7005. (SCI, IF=2.61) |
8. Yang, Li-Ren and Huang, Chung-Fah (2016), “Information platform to improve technological innovation capabilities: role of cloud platform”, Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 22(7), 936-943 (SCI, IF=1.070) |
9. Yang, Li-Ren and Huang, Chung-Fah (2016), “Information Technology Utilization to Improve Project Team-Owner Relationship and Project Performance”, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 20, 48-57. (SCI, IF=0.484) |
10. 連和吉、黃忠發、李俊賢(2014),,營建業企業社會責任與商業不道德行為關連之研究,亞太經濟管理評論,第十八卷,第一期,頁97~110. |
11. Huang, Chung-Fah (2014), “The associations among civil engineer’s ethical education experiences, ethical beliefs, ethical perceptions and ethical behaviors”, International Journal of Engineering Education, 30(5), pp. 1166–1175. (SCI, IF=0.42) |
12. Huang, Chung-Fah, Shih, Yi-Fang and Wang, Chi-Cheng (2014), “The associations among environmental beliefs, environmental norms, environmental passions and pro- environmental behaviors in construction industry”, Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, 15(3A), pp1337-1346. (SCI, IF=0.259) |
13. Yang, Li-Ren, Huang, Chung-Fah, and Hsu, Ting-Jui (2014), “Knowledge leadership to improve project and organizational performance”, International Journal of Project Management, 32(1), pp 40–53. (SSCI, IF=1.686) |
14. Huang, Chung-Fah and Lien, Ho-Chi (2012), “An Empirical Analysis of the Influences of Corporate Social Responsibility on Organisational Performance of Taiwan’s Construction Industry: Using Corporate Image as a Mediator” Construction Management and Economics, 30(4), pp. 263-275. (EI) |
15. 黃忠發、連和吉、張書豪(2012),營建產業生態環境企業社會責任、企業形象與組織績效關連性之實證研究,技術學刊(EI),第二十七卷,第四期,頁161~170. (EI). |
16. Huang, Chung-Fah, Wang, Jieh-Jiuh and Lin, Tai-Jun (2011) “Resource Sufficiency, Organizational Cohesion, and Organizational Effectiveness of Emergency Response” Natural Hazards, 58(1), pp221-234. (SSCI/SCI, IF=1.639) |
17. Yang, Li-Ren, Huang, Chung-Fah, and Wu, Kun-Shan (2011), “The Association among Project Manager’s Leadership Style, Teamwork and Project Success.” International Journal of Project Management 29(3), pp.258-267, 2011. (SSCI, IF=1.686) |
18. Huang, Chung-Fah and Sung-Lin Hsueh (2010), “Customer Behavior and Decision Making in the Refurbishment Industry - A Data Mining Approach”, Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 16 (1), pp. 75-84, 2010. (SCI, IF=1.070) |
19. 黃忠發、李俊賢、吳佳峰,“營建業工程倫理認知與收賄意圖影響因素之研究”, 建築學報,第66期,頁61~78,民國九十七年十二月。(TSSCI) |
20. Chung-Fah Huang and Sung-Lin Hsueh, “A study on the Relationship between Intellectual Capital and Business Performance in the Engineering Consulting Industry: A Path Analysis Approach”, Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 13 (4), pp. 265-271, 2007. (SCI, IF=2.016) |
21. Li-Ren Yang, James T O'Connor and Chung-Fah Huang, “A Comparison of Technology Utilization and Benefits in the Taiwanese and U.S. Industries”, Management in Engineering, ASCE, 23(3), pp. 147-155, July, 2007.( SCI) |